Point of Sale (POS) Restaurant Log in page

The Restaurant Log In page may be used as the log in page for restaurant staff Users of Skyware once they have entered into the system, (after their initial log in), enabling a quick and efficient entry into the Skyware POS software section. It is recommended that the Restaurant Log In screen is bookmarked for staff to use as the log in screen, rather than the usual Skyware Log In screen.

Restaurant Log In screen with help button

However, the Restaurant Log in page may also be reached through the regular Skyware screen at any time, using the POS Main Menu.



When accessed, the Restaurant Log In page will open, automatically displaying the "Table" field of service option, and keypad for entering the Server Quick ID.

Restaurant Log In screen with help button

This start page has several areas that only become live AFTER log in. If changes are attempted without user ID being entered the screen will revert back to the original with the red banner A Quick ID is required!

Type the User number into the Server Quick ID log in field to make the rest of the screen live.

This can be done using the keyboard, or by using the keypad on the screen.


Service Options:


Note: service options can also be specified on the Restaurant Check screen, after a check has been opened.

Restaurant Log In screen detail showing Server Quick ID field


Once the options have been specified, the User can click on any of the available table options or the Quick Sale button to open a check. This open the Restaurant Check screen, and if a table was selected, on the Restaurant Log In screen the table from green to blue, indicating it is your table (associated with the Quick ID used) , and no longer available to other staff.

Table map with Your table selected and shown in blue

Conversely, when opening the Restaurant Log In screen, if a table is red rather than green (available) or blue (yours), this table is being served by someone else and is not available to open a check at.

Table map showing any tables not available (in red).


Thus, (with the User ID entered into the Server Quick ID field), clicking on an available table will open a new check for that table, and clicking on a table labeled as yours will open the current check for that table. Both actions will take you to the service screen titled Restaurant Check. Clicking on a table which is being served by someone else, will result in an error message.

Restaurant Check screen example, NEW

The Restaurant Check screen is where menu order information, number of customers at a table, and other information is added to an open restaurant check. (For more details see How to Open a Check, Create or Open a Check and Modify an Open Check).


Date Updated October 16, 2024